A Girl, Surrounded by Baby Bellies

Some of my earliest memories include catching glimpses of wonderfully nude women with protruding bellies, posing for my mother in my childhood home. Luminous expressions, supple breasts, fierce confidence—they radiated fecundity. I reflect these memories as if I were some Grecian princess surrounded by the most lavish and indulgent modeling events. My mother, the esteemed sculptor, and I the shy admirer with a deep fascination for the obvious power these goddesses possessed.  

In reality my mother truly is a sculptor, of sorts. Her belly-casting business “Mummy Tummies” was more of a beloved hobby that she was able to entertain when I was small. She would take clients on a by-interest basis, as the early 90s were still sort of a breakthrough era in regards to perceived modesty and prudence of women in society. Not that belly casting was necessarily considered risqué, but it was still a fringe and slightly provocative service embedded with intimacy, and completely celebratory of the pregnant body. 

Watching these women come into my home to retreat with my mother to her art space, I could see the tangible trust between them. I could sense the deep respect and appreciation for their bodies, one woman to another. I knew, without fully understanding the implications of big bellies, that there was something so intimate and special happening—particularly in watching my mother, my nurturer, my greatest mentor, create this kind of art showcasing their nakedness. It challenged and enlivened the notions of what I conceived of as “private.” I learned that private didn’t have to imply secrecy or shame. It could actually entail empowerment, acceptance, and a wild, unabashed appreciation of the body. This this was one of the most beautiful lessons of my childhood—to witness all these gorgeous women, reveling in their power, and completely unashamed of their bodies.

My experiences as a girl watching my mother mold her mummy tummies made me want to continue her celebration. This is where I found birth work. The notion that every person deserves to feel appreciation of their bodies revolutionized my life and put me on the path of becoming a doula. If we can navigate the pathways into this world, both as womb-bearers and as womb-residers, with a love and respect of our bodies, we ordain ourselves to a future of positive and fulfilling life experience. This I believe. 

So, have you considered a belly cast? <3

one of my mom’s bellycasts

one of my mom’s bellycasts


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